Articles Tagged 'Straightness Training'

Ex-Racehorse Adoption Blog

Groundwork for a Calm, Cool, Collected Horse

My strategy for a calm, cool and collected horse–– groundwork exercises that I do with my ex-racehorse Bahamut. Since Equine Affaire I’ve taken some time off to asses where Bahamut is in his training. After reviewing his performance in the clinic, I’ve decided to go back ...

Expert Equestrian Articles

The Academic Art of Riding with Marijke De Jong

Since I began reading "The Art of Horsemanship" by Xenophon and "Reflections On Equestrian Art" by Nuno Oliveira, I've become interested in using classical methods for training my horse, Bahamut. During my research I came across Marijke de Jong and a riding discipline that she uses and te...