Articles Tagged 'Horse%20Culture'

Darley’s Travel Blog

Kentucky- International Museum of the Horse

Bill Cooke at the Kentucky Horse Park’s International Museum of the Horse knows his horse history. I interviewed him for upcoming Equitrekking episodes on the history of various horse breeds around the world, including the Criollo, Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse, Arabian, Connemara, Welsh Co...

Expert Equestrian Articles

Communicating with Horses: A Global Perspective

by Darley Newman. Originally published in True West magazine. Everywhere I travel, someone has a different and sometimes a remarkable take on how to ride and how to communicate with horses. I always listen to what each person has to say about their horses before I mount up. People train their h...

Equestrian Travel Articles

New Mexico- Foxhunting in the Southwest

By Judie Framan Photos by Elliot Framan and Lindsey Green Getting up in the dark has never been my favorite thing to do. In fact it’s near the bottom of the heap of covers where I like to linger until first light. Only a few times has leaving the comfort of my bed before dawn proved enti...

Equestrian Travel Articles

Iceland- Hoofbeats in the Land of Fire and Ice

By Judie Framan Photography by Elliot Framan We heard the sound first; the TAKA TAKA TAKA TAKA of hoofbeats along the road. Then we saw them, 90 horses in every color imaginable; blacks, bays, duns, browns, cremelos, palominos, even a pinto. Necks arched high, long tails floating, manes waving...

Expert Equestrian Articles

Saving Our Trails

by Equitrekking host Darley Newman. Originally published in True West magazine. On a recent trail ride in the town of Cave Creek, outside of Phoenix, Arizona, the need to preserve riding trails, not only in natural areas but in our own backyard, was once again brought to my attention. Riding wi...

Expert Equestrian Articles

The Horses of the Caisson Stable… Honoring Those Who Served

By Susan Seligman My 6 AM arrival seemed painfully early, but this was the army, and everyone had already reported for duty at the Caisson stables by 4:00. Eight military funerals are scheduled today, and the soldiers of the elite Caisson platoon at the Ft. Myer army base in Arlington, Virginia...

Equestrian Travel Articles

Uruguay- Gaucho Adventures

In Uruguay, gauchos still run the estancias. ATV’s and trucks haven’t replaced steeds. Learn about ranches where you can meet local cowboys. by Darley Newman. Originally published in True West magazine. As a sudden rainstorm passed, I was glad to have on the wool poncho that Jorge...

Expert Equestrian Articles

An Interview with Sandra L Olsen PhD

Life as a Zooarchaeologist by Jessica Creane Sandra Olsen wanted to be an archeologist since the third grade. “I loved dinosaurs, like most kids, so I wanted to be a paleontologist. But then in college I took classes in Zooarchaeology,” the study of animal remains from archaeologic...

Horse Breed Guide

Criollo Horses in Uruguay

To talk about of the Criollo horse is to talk about the Gaucho... proud, adventurous, simple and noble. by Ricardo Bonner The term criollo is used in South America, and specifically in Uruguay, to describe animal breeds, food, events, etc., that are common, characteristic, or emblematic of th...

Expert Equestrian Articles

Gait of Marsh Tacky Horses: Exciting Research

by Dr. Molly Nicodemus, PhD., Gaited Locomotive Research Program, Mississippi State University and Jeannette Beranger, ALBC Research and Technical Programs Manager Due to the breed’s Colonial Spanish heritage the Marsh Tacky was thought by some to be gaited, but there had never been any r...