Top 20 Guest Ranches- Horses in the Snow Photo Journey
Photos of horses and horseback riding in the snow at guest ranches across the USA that welcome guests for winter snow adventures.
We hope this photo journey puts a smile on your face and brings you holiday cheer. Below are photos from Equitrekking's Top 20 Ranches where the horses at the ranch make us want to play in the snow. All of these ranches offer winter experiences with horses, including horseback riding in the snow, horse drawn sleigh rides and more.

Horses loving the snow at Bar W Guest Ranch in Whitefish, Montana.
Winter ranch horses coming in for a meal at Western Pleasure Guest Ranch, a Top 20 Ranch pick, in Idaho.
Ultra-cute Charlie enjoying the snow at Lone Mountain Guest Ranch in Montana.
Sometimes in Colorado, it really snows! Getting through the storm at Home Ranch.
Cowboys and guests in the snow at The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch in Wyoming.
Riding in the snow, something the whole family can enjoy, at C Lazy U Ranch in Granby, Colorado.
Check out more Top 20 Ranches and a complete guide to global dude ranches, guest ranches and horseback riding holidays in the Equitrekking Vacation Guide.