Rowse’s 1+1 Ranch Working Ranch Vacations
We put a lot of work into our horses to ensure your authentic western cowboy vacation and horse back riding holiday are as pleasurable as possible. ––Rowse’s 1+1 Ranch
by Jocelyn Pierce
Rowse's 1+1 Ranch, located in Burwell, Nebraska is on 7,000 acres in the heart of the Sand Hills, which cover just over one quarter of the state. Rowse’s runs 800 cow-calf pairs, has an award winning Quarter Horse breeding program, and hosts guests throughout the year. The travelers that come to Rowse’s 1+1 Ranch want to be involved and learn. As you follow along with the Rowse family throughout the day, you are immersed in cowboy culture and start to understand the “how” and “why” of ranching operations.

Rowse’s 1+1 Ranch in Nebraska is owned an operated by Tammy Rowse and her family.
Tammy Rowse and her family own and operate 1+1 Ranch, which started its guest operation 14 years ago. The family has a long history of ranching, horses, and western heritage. Part of Rowse’s 1+1 Ranch has been in Tammy’s family for more than 75 years and she was lucky enough to have grown up on the land.
What travelers can expect to do on a daily basis at Rowse’s depends on the season, but they can always expect to ride a lot, anywhere from six hours or more in the saddle on responsive Quarter Horses on a daily basis. Each season offers unique opportunities and experiences.
In the spring, guests gather cattle and brand them, witness calf and foal births, and gather pairs and start driving them to their summer pastures.

Guests can expect to ride a lot, anywhere from six hours or more in the saddle on a daily basis.
In the summer, vacationers will find a more relaxed atmosphere as they check on the cattle, roping and doctoring as needed. Travelers learn about positioning and working cattle as well as roping and team penning. The Rowses also rotate the fields when the grass gets short, and need help driving the cows to new pastures. Throughout the summer the Rowses help their neighbors with their cattle herds, which exposes guests to even more facets of ranch life. Ranch guests are also given the opportunity to work with the ranch’s yearling horses on basic training and groundwork.
The autumn is a busy time for the Rowses and this is a good time to visit if you are looking to participate in long cattle drives. They precondition cows and drive herds to corrals, as they sort calves away from their mothers, vaccinate, and start the weaning process. Calves will be sent back to their mothers and the pastures until later in the fall when calves will be weaned and sold. Once the grass is gone, the cattle will be moved to their winter pastures.
Each season brings different work at the 1+1 Ranch. For example, in the spring, calves and foals are born and there's cattle, cattle drives and brandings.
Although there is much work to be done, Tammy Rowse and her family want guests to enjoy their stay, and encourage them to take a day off from riding to relax if that is what they wish. They want guests to enjoy the cowboy life, beautiful country, and have some fun.
Learn more about Rowse's 1+1 Ranch and search for authentic working ranches in Equitrekking’s Vacation Guide, an online guide featuring great dude ranches, guest ranches, working ranches and cattle drives. Check out more great ranches at
About the Author: Jocelyn Pierce is an avid equestrian and lover of travel and photography. Her passion for adventure has led her on numerous excursions throughout North America and Europe. When she’s not riding and competing her homebred mare, she enjoys hiking, camping, and snapping photographs.