PATH Intl and ACTHA work together to hold 1,000 Rides in March
A lofty and cool goal! ACTHA and PATH Internatioanl work to host 1,000 horseback rides during the month of March to raise money for riding centers across the nation and help bring national awareness of the benefits of therapeutic horse programs. Learn how you can join a ride and get involved!
At their annual international conference in Orlando, The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.), which promotes equine-assisted activities and therapies for individuals with special needs, announced to its 850 North American Centers plans to embark on their largest fundraising project ever. In partnership with The American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA), PATH Int'l hopes to raise $1,000,000 for its centers throughout the month of March 2014, with a special focus on the weekend of March 15-16, 2014.
Volunteers assist a rider at Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles (O.A.T.S.), a PATH International premier accredited center in Clarkston, Michigan.
With more than 4,200 certified instructors and equine specialists around the world, more than 7,400 PATH Intl. members help 56,000 children and adults with physical, mental and emotional challenges find strength and independence through the power of the horse each year. PATH Intl. changes and enriches lives by promoting excellence in equine-assisted activities and therapies. ACTHA hosts special trail rides across the USA and works to create and enable humane treatment and employment options for horses in need, promoting the great American trail horse and granting them the recognition they so richly deserve.
March 2014 will be a special month for those families in need of physical and emotional therapeutic help that uniquely the horse/human connection can give. Plans include hosting approximately 1,000 ACTHA events throughout North America during the month. Each of PATH International's Centers will be invited to partake and share in the fun and the funding.
Photo credit ACTHA.
"Getting increased national awareness to our cause and as importantly local awareness in the 850 communities we currently serve on a non profit basis is always an important part of fulfilling our mission. Local volunteers are critical to the daily completion of our mission. That mission is changing and enriching lives by promoting excellence in equine-assisted activities and therapies." Kay Green, PATH Int'l CEO.
ACTHA will administer the events. " We couldn't be more pleased. It is a great example of what we can do and why we believe ACTHA, with help from our wonderful partners like PATH Int'l, sponsors, members, hosts and thousands of volunteers can literally cure the plight of the unwanted horse. PATH Int'l shows us one incredible way these horses can be of service. More than 7,500 horses are engaged in the wonderful jobs provided by PATH Int'l. Another 35,000+ horses will be doing 'their' jobs with this outstanding effort. It is likely about 50,000 horses will show up for work in ACTHA events, many having come from rescue situations. That's what ACTHA is all about", said Carrie Scrima, ACTHA Founder.
For more information, visit or if you are interested in being a part of this event, please">email the ACTHA. Check the events calendar to find a ride near you at