Ireland- Mount Juliet Estate

We’re exploring Mount Juliet Estate on an Equitrekking Travel vacation, an eighteenth century country estate, on horseback. Mount Juliet is located in County Kilkenny and has a world-class golf course, great fishing and over 1500 acres of land for riding. I felt very regal as I took a quick spin on a bicycle upon arriving at dusk. There are lots of ways to explore the estate, but I was most looking forward to my morning horse ride.
Mount Juliet was founded in the 18th century by the Earl of Carrick, who named the estate after his wife Juliet. In the tradition of great European country estates, Mount Juliet offers ample opportunity for sporting. Up until the 1980’s, Mount Juliet was a private residence, complete with a staff of 100, so it’s neat to be able to stay and ride here- reliving history.
Eleanor, who grew up in nearby Tipperary County, led me out on Harold, a strong, well behaved Irish Sport Horse the next morning. We rode down to the River Nore, where I would later fly fish for trout and salmon, and actually took our horses into the water. Eleanor's horse made a really funny face, which we were able to catch on camera. We cantered along the banks of the river with views of the main house in the background. We also passed the foals of Ballylinch Stud. Horses have been bred at Ballylinch Stud on the grounds of Mount Julie Estate since the early 1900’s, when the famous racehorse, The Tetrarch, also known as the spotted wonder, retired to stud here in 1914.
I spent the afternoon fly fishing with Billy the Gilly. He takes lots of guests out fishing, so if you are lucky enough to get him, he'll certainly share stories with you of the bygone days of Mount Juliet, when the owners threw lavish parties and Billy actually played in a band that sometimes entertained them. Billy has lived there for a long time. Though I didn’t catch any fish on my fly-fishing adventure, I did get in two great rides, one on horseback and another via bicycle. Another great adventure in Ireland!
Darley Newman is the host of the Emmy Award-winning Public Television series Equitrekking®, which takes viewers on horseback riding vacations around the world. Equitrekking is broadcast on PBS stations and on international networks in over 30 countries.
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