Equitrekking.com’s Top 10 Articles of 2012
Introducing the most popular articles, as measured by your clicks, on Equitrekking.com in 2012.
Your picks included several from Karen Braschayko's Dream Jobs series, equine art, OTTB trainers, Raina Paucar's horse breed profiles, riding California's High Sierras and more.
What do you want to see more of in 2013? Tell us by contacting us or commenting on Facebook or Twitter.
Equitrekking's Top 10 Articles of 2012
1. Dream Jobs: Life Skills Instructor
by Karen Braschayko
By teaching life skills through the aid of horses, Sara Crum helps at-risk youth with her equine career.
2. Dream Jobs: Handling the Budweiser Clydesdales
by Karen Braschayko
Have you ever seen the magnificent Budweiser Clydesdales on a commercial or in a parade and wondered what it would be like to take care of them? Jeff Knapper worked his way up from handler to general manager of Clydesdale Operations for Anheuser-Busch.
3. Visiting Deborah Butterfield’s Horses
by Karen Braschayko
“Essence: The Horses of Deborah Butterfield” is a new equine art exhibition at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
4. The Rocky Mountain Horse Breed Profile
by Raina Paucar
Equitrekking interviews Ron Hatcher, a breeder of Rocky Mountain Horses at his Rebel Ridge Farm. Find out what makes the Rocky Mountain Horse unique as an American horse breed. Is this the right horse breed for you?
5. Lisa Molloy– OTTB Trainer with Ex-Racehorse Adoption Program
by Raina Paucar
Lisa Molloy shares her story of how she became involved with horses and the retraining of OTTB's (off-the-track-Thoroughbreds) through New Vocations.
6. The Arabian Horse Breed Profile
by Raina Paucar
Learn the history and characteristics of the Arabian horse. A history of close interaction with people have given Arabians an innate ability to bond with humans. Find out if this is the right breed for you!
7. Linda Carson’s Dream Ranch LIfe
by Darley Newman
Want to change your life? Wonder what it's like to leave your corporate job behind to live on a ranch by yourself with a menagerie of animals? Read on!
8. Dream Jobs: Helping Others as a Therapeutic Riding Instructor
by Karen Braschayko
Have you ever wanted a job that makes you feel completely satisfied at the end of the day, knowing you did something good and helped others? Jan Vescelius has this gratification every day as director and head therapeutic riding instructor at Therapeutic Riding, Incorporated (TRI) of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
9. Olympic Silver Medalist, Peter Leone Rides Bahamut an OTTB at Equine Affaire
by Raina Paucar
Bahamut, my adopted OTTB (off-the-track-Thoroughbred), has never been to a show or a clinic. He’s been off-of-the-racetrack for six months. The Ride with the Best Clinic at Equine Affaire with Peter Leone, seemed to be the perfect fit for what's next in our training.
10. Horse Riding the High Sierra
by Michael W. Church
Mountain Horsemanship, Veterinary Care and Horsepacking in California’s Wilderness... Woke up at 5 o’clock in the morning in my hotel room, washed, packed my gear, and then hit the road at 6 o’clock for the 1-hour drive to the Horseshoe Meadows Pack Station in the mountains outside the small dusty town of Lone Pine. Every year I do a week-long horseback ride. This year’s adventure was a horsepacking trip into the Sierra Mountains of Central California.
Tell us what you want to see more of in 2013 by contacting us or commenting on Facebook or Twitter. Happy New Year!