Equitrekking Debuts Top20HorseCamps and First Ever Global Guide
We are excited to announce brand new resources for horse crazy kids and their parents–– the Equitrekking Horse Camps Guide and Top20HorseCamps.com!
by Darley Newman
We are excited to continue to expand our online resources to help match riders of all ages with places that they can travel and saddle up. Today, we formally announced the first-ever online guide dedicated exclusively to equestrian camps both in the USA and around the world. The Equitrekking Horse Camps Guide features top equestrian camps, kids’ programs at dude ranches, family camps with an equestrian focus and riding holidays for kids—resources to help young riders and adults plan educational adventures focused on horseback riding. We also launched a new site modeled after our popular Top20Ranches.com site, Top20HorseCamps.com which showcases some of the top equestrian camps for younger riders.
Kids learn to ride at Cheley Colorado Camps in the Rocky Mountains.
Camps featured include a Colorado summer camp that welcomes unaccompanied youth to ride the Rocky Mountains and learn horse care, an equestrian camp in Ireland that for over twenty years has hosted global teens on a generations-old Irish horse farm in Tipperary, a North Carolina summer camp where kids learn traditional hunt seat riding with the University of South Carolina Equestrian Team's horses and beyond. Camps cater to all skill levels and varied disciplines including Dressage, Cross Country, Western style riding, show jumping and horse show experiences.

The Equitrekking Horse Camps Guide features a variety of ways to search for camps offering everything from show jumping and dressage to work for teens and cycling.
It was at summer camp in the mountains of North Carolina when I was first introduced to horses and learned to ride, so I am particularly excited about these new guides. Each resource will feature camps where kids can get introduced to equestrian sports, learn to ride, unplug and explore nature on trail rides, and more.
While some camps welcome riders to stay up to a week, others offer a family camp experience, where kids and their parents may travel and enjoy camp together. Many camps feature range of activities including archery, swimming, the arts, hockey, basketball and beyond and are accredited by leading organizations including the American Camp Association, The International Camping Fellowship and Certified Horsemanship Association.

Top20HorseCamps will continue to add more great camps as we ride the world and find great places for families and kids to ride, too.
The new camp guides are modeled after our already popular equestrian guides, including Top20Ranches.com, the Equitrekking Vacation Guide, Equitrekking Travel Deals and EquitrekkingTravel.com. These sites help visitors to research and plan vacations with a riding focus, as far afield at Jordan and Botswana and as close to home as Ireland, Wyoming and Vermont. Travelers can book directly with small, family-owned tour operators or book through Equitrekking Travel’s equestrian travel agent specialist.
If you have a summer camp, riding vacation spot, ranch, cattle drive or some experience you'd like us to highlight, please contact us or let us know through Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @equitrekking.