Equine Pacifica and Healing Horses in Southern California
My week at Horse Massage School–– Equine Pacifica in Southern California.
photos and article by Manuela Stefan
Opportunities present themselves to us when we are ready to embrace them and make the most out of them. Sometimes it all begins with an idea we simply throw out there without necessarily knowing how to go about materializing it. And so we continue on with our lives. Miraculously, at some point in time, what may seem like a small event pops into our reality and a new, spectacular adventure unfolds.
Barn buddies at Sunset Horse Ranch in Del Mar, California.
Aside from photographing horses in interesting locations worldwide, I have become very keen on further understanding their nature and establishing a deeper connection with them. I was not quite ready to ride yet, so that was not the answer. The equine assisted programs seemed something I would have considered at some point in time, but I was not prepared for such an experience either.
One day, out of the blue, the answer came with an ease that still makes me smile to this day: Equine Pacifica of Del Mar, California decided to follow me on Twitter. Intrigued, I researched them.

Jane Wesson of Equine Pacifica and Zazou, Grand Prix champion of Southern California.
I read their entire web page content while resonating with every single word. How could I not? Jane Wesson, the owner and an experienced massage therapist/ energy worker, was eloquently describing her week-long equine body work course.
Wow, how perfect would that be, I thought? I just saw myself there…on the beach…being close to horses…connecting with like minded human beings.

Southern Californian Coast.
So I called Jane. I remember having a warm, joyous feeling throughout our conversation, which confirmed this was meant to be. I went with that instinct and booked my trip. Not even two months later, I was landing in San Diego with a deep sense of anticipation.
Equine Pacifica’s Equine Massage School Experience
After exploring the magnificent coast for a few days, I joined the other students and together we began a wondrous, unexpected journey. At the end of it, we emerged as deeply changed human beings, connected to something deeper within ourselves, with even greater admiration for the spirit of our larger-than-life four legged friends and cherishing new found friendships.
The week long Equine Pacifica course delivered quality on all levels. Each day would begin with yoga on the beach, followed by a healthy breakfast, then the group would study the anatomy of the magnificent horse and eat some more super healthy food at lunch.

Vegetarian lunch served during the week long course at Equine Pacifica.
In the afternoon, the students would go out to different stables in the area and practice on a variety of horses–– some of them champion racers and jumpers.
Equine Pacifica's course was very helpful for me on different levels. I got to learn and understand the horse's body language so that, whenever I interact with horses now, I feel I can read their emotional state and adjust myself accordingly.
We studied equine anatomy and the way motion engages and affects different groups of muscles. We learned that we need to always investigate the potential source of pain and discomfort by constantly paying attention to the horse's subtle (or not so subtle) shifts in body language when we touch them.
We were shown very specific massage techniques and how to incorporate them in a routine. We also learned more subtle techniques (inspired from the Chinese approach to pressure points) and learned how to always watch for releases from the horse. In the end, we were encouraged to follow our intuition and stay away from a given routine, as there are no rules. Every horse and situation are completely unique.
One of the most important gifts we left with was the understanding that we need to work with the horse and not on the horse, by allowing the animal to effectively participate in the process. Personally, it was very important to get better at grounding myself and conquering my nervousness before working with one of these magnificent animals. Trusting that, if I am respectful of their space and of how they feel in the moment, a new level of mutual understanding may be achieved with a fantastic outcome for both parties.
Jane Wesson of Equine Pacifica demonstrates front leg massage technique at the Clearwater Farm in Encinitas, California.
Jane Wesson has a real talent at sharing her knowledge. As simple as this may sound, it is not always the easiest thing to do. She is really gifted at showing others what love and respect for horses can accomplish. And the animals do love her back and are not shy to express their gratitude in the sweetest of ways.
Jane Wesson of Equine Pacifica demonstrates ear massage technique at Dove Hollow in Encinitas, California.
I can only thank Jane for having opened a new portal into my reality–– one I gladly chose to step through with her guidance. I have happily worked with horses since. My soul has expanded and I am grateful I now have the ability to give back to some of the most inspiring beings I have ever met.

And of course, one of the many rewards for having gotten my equine massage certification... my certificate.
Learn more about Equine Pacifica at equine-massage-school.com, Facebook.com/equinemassageschool and Twitter @EquinePacifica. Check out their their free equine massage video course.
About the Author: Manuela Stefan is a Toronto based lifestyle and equine photographer with a keen eye for capturing the spirit of the horse in interesting locations worldwide. Her love for travel and horses has brought her to spectacular locations in France, Romania, Canada and the U.S. She has exhibited her large format equine images in Toronto and Collingwood, Ontario and Montana. Her adventures continue. Check out her Equine Blog and find her on Facebook and Twitter @GracefulHorses.