A Kid’s Adventures Horseback Riding in Central Florida
Student rider, 12-year-old Jacqueline Pavlat shares her adventures on a sunset trail ride with All Hitched Up in Central Florida, just 40 mins from Walt Disney World.
by Jacqueline Pavlat
All Hitched Up's Sunset Trail and Water Experience is a great way to beat the heat, as well as spend some time with a couple of wonderful horses. Whether you're an All Hitched Up team member, student, or just someone wanting to have some fun in the sun, you're guaranteed to enjoy your ride. If you're looking for a relaxing (yet exciting) experience in the St. Cloud area, look no further! Expert or beginner, young or old, short or tall, it doesn't matter! You'll always have a great time! You can even bring along a furry friend, like your dog!
You arrive at Lake Lizzie, where you'll find Sabrina, Teresa, and two trailers full of horses. Get ready to tack up, get up, and get riding! If you want, you can practice on the horse a bit before you set off, as there is a set of barrels ready for you to do a little barrel racing to get familiar with your horse. As soon as everyone's ready after that, it's off to the trails you go!
The trail is long, winding, and full of fun obstacles for you to dodge, like low branches, where you can either duck or dodge, and swarms of bugs, which you trot right through. Oh, Florida and your gnats! On the way to the lake you can start to see beautiful plants with a myriad of flowers, and, if you're lucky, you might even see some of Lake Lizzie's amazing wildlife.
As the sun starts to set, you can see the sun shine through the trees, and that signifies that you're nearly there to the lake. At long last, you arrive at the lake, and by now you already know that horses LOVE to splash! If you're lucky enough to ride the tall, playful thoroughbred, Groovie, you'll get wet. REALLY. REALLY. WET! Even if you don't ride Groovie, you're still bound to get wet, as the horses are very competitive when if comes to splashing contests! Be sure to wear your tallest boots! You can see here the tall, lanky, young, and playful Cash having the best time possible with his rider, Amelia!

When all the splashing has subsided, get ready for a photo op with all the horses in a row with riders sitting tall as the sun sets in the background.
Okay, so you've already had the time of your life, so now what? After all the trail ride has ended, you can finish the day with a little more riding, this time just to blow off some steam, but nonetheless a fantastic time with the horses.

To wrap things up, if you're looking for some fun in the sun with a couple of extraordinary horses and their owners, look no futher than All Hitched Up's Sunset Trail and Water Experience! You're guaranteed to have the time of your life.
The end!
Learn about how you can horseback ride in St. Cloud, Florida with All Hitched Up, located 40 minutes from all Orlando's Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, 20 minutes from Orlando International Airport, 40 minutes from World Famous Cocoa Beach & Ron Jon Surf Shop, and approximately 2 hours from Ocala.