Trail Riding in New Mexico’s Lincoln County
Avid trail rider Caroline McCoy takes a relaxing and inspiring ride through New Mexico's Lincoln County.
photos and stroy by Caroline McCoy
The constant monsoon rains of late have made our entire Lincoln County look like.....Ireland? Up around Ranchman's Camp we headed out across a vast emerald plateau.
Soon we came to a wide arroyo where lots of water had been coursing. Deborah's Kiowa just had to sample the grass. It would have been very tall grass if it had not been flatted by floodwaters.

We hit a rocky patch that was more than a little challenging. It took crossing a couple of times for both riders and horses to get confidence. We spotted a huge cave ahead and decided that would be our lunch spot. Deborah prepared Kiowa for lunch.
Peach was thinking...can I beat cody to the water?
This inviting arroyo with its handy grass bench above was too inviting to ignore. We explored. We were hit with the fragrance of these lavender-colored wildflowers almost as strong as honeysuckle.

The scenery was rolling green wherever we looked–– one of those relaxing rides. It ain't the beach but it has the same effect.
About the Author: Caroline McCoy rides the White Mountain Wilderness and the Fort Stanton Trail system almost every week of the year on her Quarter Horse mare, Peach. McCoy is age 74 and Peach is 14. McCoy hopes to ride her partner 'til the end of both of their lives. McCoy makes a photo-journal of many of her rides and is about to publish a book of these rides. Anyone wishing to be on her "My Rides" email list may request to do so via email.
Check out more of Caroline McCoy's riding adventures on Equitrekking.