Equitrekking Travel’s Turkey Vacation in the News

The rock castle loomed on the horizon. We nodded in knowing silence, our horses sensing the excitement.
“Lay siege” I yelled, as we urged our mounts forward. “Attack!” bellowed my husband as we galloped along an ancient road.
So starts out Susan Seligman's article in the weekend's Albuquerque Journal. The cover story, entitled "Turkish Delight" recounts Seligman's, a travel journalist and equestrian, adventures horseback riding for five days through Cappadocia on EquitrekkingTravel.com's Turkey: Cappadocia with Isantbul horseback riding vacation.
Seligman contacted me over a year ago about taking a riding vacation with her husband. She watched the Equitrekking Central Turkey episode and was interested in going there next. Seligman, like many horse-loving travelers, is in my network of friends who I ask about where to go to ride. Like me, she travels the world horseback riding, and has been to Brazil's Pantanal, Austria, Ecuador, Israel, Montana and beyond. She's someone I trust to tell me where to go, as she's taken a lot of equestrian vacations and is a horse owner and competitive rider at home herself.
I've been to Cappadocia, Turkey twice now and you can see both experiences in the Equitrekking Central Turkey and the new Equitrekking Turkey’s Coast, Cappadocia & Istanbul high definition episodes on PBS. Starting March 30th on Create TV, you may watch the Turkey episodes and Equitrekking's new season on Wednesdays and Sundays at 9:30am, 3:30pm and 9:30pm. Cappadocia one of my favorite destinations, so I was really excited when Seligman, an accomplished rider and traveler, came back from Turkey with rave reviews.